Multiplying Impact Through Video

Making Outsized Impact

In today’s social networking age, telling stories through video has become an impactful way to engage and connect on a human level with others. The Walters Family Foundation awarded a grant to Inland Temporary Homes to develop a storytelling video to illustrate how they are helping families and children break the cycle of homelessness.

A mindset in the nonprofit sector is that nobody likes to see donations spent on overhead or advertising. But this is not the mindset of the Walters Family Foundation. Frequently, organizations do not have enough funds to support their basic expenses—let alone enough funds to create a video that would promote the good they are doing in their community.

Grant of $3,000 Multiplies Into $20,000

Instead of donating $3,000 directly to the cause, the Walters Family Foundation funded a storytelling video, which multiplied by six times the original amount. Inland Temporary Homes was able to raise roughly $20,000 in additional donations through the viewing, marketing, and advertising of the storytelling video funded by the Walters Family Foundation. The Foundation recently awarded Inland Temporary Homes an additional $3,000 to develop another video that is estimated to raise an additional $20,000 in support of their cause.

Reinventing Social Change

Nonprofits need to reinvent how humanity thinks about impacting social change and instead take a for-profit mindset in helping the day-to-day operations of the charities we hold so dear. Investing more money in overhead and advertising has the potential to multiply the amount of money available for the cause.  The Walters Family Foundation is doing their part to reinvent how we are making outsized impact with our partners. This storytelling video has become a valuable asset that Inland Temporary Homes has used to raise additional funds in support of their cause. The Walters Family Foundation continues to support Inland Temporary Homes and their mission to break the cycle of homelessness.